Employment Workshop
The Employment Workshop for current and future persons under supervision has been scheduled for the following dates:
No further dates are currently scheduled for the employment workshop. They will be posted here when they are.
Location: Room A755
Each person under supervision who is enrolled in the workshop has to complete all 3 sessions in order to remain in the workshop. Any days missed will result in removal.
Test of Adult Basic Education
This is a free assessment to determine skill level and appititudes
View the Flyer
Equity Home Buyers Club View Flyer
The orientation workshop will be held on Saturday, November 9, 2019, from 10:30am to 2pm at the Bordeaux Branch Library, located at 4000 Clarksville Pike, Nashville, TN 37218. You must be registered by Friday November 8th, 2019.
We are pleased to announce the 3rd Session of Equity Home Buyers Club, an initiative to connect persons under supervision (P/S) with mentorship and the resources to become first-time homeowners. Through collaborative efforts between the U.S. Probation and Pretrial Services Office, FirstBank, Citizens Bank, Tennessee Housing Development Agency, and several local realtors, our agency seeks to identify those individuals who are committed to taking the steps necessary to realize homeownership.
If you are interested, please contact your Probation Officer.